Journal name:

Contact name:


NB. Some of the questions below assume that references are cited using a name-year (Harvard type) system. However, if references are cited using a numbering system (Vancouver style), please select "NA - sequential numbering"

el al. is italic not italic

Is there comma between the author(s) and year in the reference citations?
Yes (Ju et al., 1990) (Smith, 1990) No (Ju et al. 1990) (Smith 1990) NA - sequential numbering

What separates the references for different authors (i.e. the punctuation in red)?
Comma (Ju et al. 1980, 1990, 1992, Jones et al. 1990, Marin et al. 2000)
Semi-colon (Ju et al. 1960, 1990, 1992; Jones et al. 1990; Marin et al. 2000)
NA - sequential numbering

"and" or "&" ?
1. When in main text:
discovered by Smith and Jones (1990).
discovered by Smith & Jones (1990).

2. When in parentheses:
as previously shown (Smith and Jones 1990).
as previously shown (Smith & Jones 1990).

CITING FIGURES AND TABLES (abbreviated vs in full and upper case vs lower case)

1. When in main text:
shown in Figure 4
shown in figure 4
shown in Fig. 4
shown in fig. 4

2. When in parentheses:
(Figure 4)
(figure 4)
(Fig. 4)
(fig. 4)

Tables (upper vs lower case)
shown in Table 4
shown in table 4


UK or US spellings (i.e. colour, labelling, viraemia vs color, labeling, viremia)

US spellings UK spellings As source*

ISE or IZE spellings (i.e. normalise, optimise vs normalize, optimize)

ize type spellings ise type spellings As source*

*As source = just consistent within paper. If you have selected "As source" and the author has used a mixture of UK and US spellings or a mixture of ize and ise spellings in the main text, the document will be converted to the type of spelling most commonly used.


Upper case: P < 0.03 Lower case: p < 0.03

Upper case: 66 mL Lower case: 66 ml

Solidi or indices?
66 mm/min 66 ml min-1

Remove any hyphens between nos and units, e.g. a 10-cm gap, a 50-ml pipette?
Remove these hyphens Leave any of these sort of hyphens

If you wish to add any additional style points, or if you have been forced to make an incorrect choice by the above form, please tell me here:

Please check that all boxes are ticked correctly and then hit the button below. This will send the above information to Paul Russell as an attachment to an email.

Now, see the instructions below regarding reference list style.


Please send an additional email by clicking here. Please insert an attachment (preferably a Word document) containing a sample journal reference, showing any formatting such as bolds, italics and small caps. Please ensure that it is exactly correct, for example

  • Are the author initials in the style DC, D.C. or D. C.?
  • If the volume number is bold, is the punctuation following it bold also?
  • Is there a gap after the punctuation following the volume no. or is it closed up, etc., etc.

If you have a style sheet, feel free to attach it with this email.